Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Welcome...Come on in!

After several months, 10 to be exact, I have finally decided that this blog needed to change. It was originally intended to be an internet shrine to my newborn baby boy. And, while I still firmly intend to post pictures of him up here often, I have come to the conclusion that nobody but me would be interested in reading page after page of information on little H.

So there you have it, announcing the birth of a newborn blog. Dedicated to what exactly, not quite sure yet... Certainly to include decorating, inspiration, life's decisions, food, know, everything. That's not too ambitious, is it?

I have pretty much everything to learn about how to actually HAVE a blog, so bear with me. I promise to always try to learn how to improve it though. I also promise not too get to delusional as to think that other people are as interested in me as I am!

Nice to meet you and thanks for stopping by.

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