Thursday, January 21, 2010

Headboard Obsession

Cannot decide what to do with my headboard!!!  We have a king size bed, which currently has a wrought iron header and footer, which I am O.V.E.R.!  I have decided to make my own, thanks to inspiration from so many of my blogger friends.  But, I am not yet settled on the shape (curvey, straight, super tall, short and squat?), color (floral, all white), tufted or not, nailheads or not....can you tell I am scared to commit?

Anyway, here are some of my current favorites/ inspirations.


  1. Have you thought about just covering your wrought iron headboard with fabric? I've seen images where people take a metal headboard, and make what is essentially a slipcover for it - they usually have ties at the top to secure it the frame. Just a thought??

    Thanks for having me in your blogroll!

    alison g.

  2. thanks for the idea! i may consider doing just that- certainly would be easier than my current idea- plywood jigsaw template nightmare!
