Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Woodstock again

Every once in a while I get a renewed interest in our project upstate.  Then I realize how much it is going to cost and I get depressed and put it on the back burner...like WAY back.  Well, due to some irresponsible 401k nonesense, we have some $ that we need to do something smart with.  I can't think of any investment smarter than developing real estate that we want to use anyway.  (Actually I totally can but let's roll with this.)

Hello beautiful beams and massive firelplace!  I love how the warm wood tones don't feel too oppressive here.

White kitchen married with warm woods.  Chevron floor?  Why yes, I don't mind if I do.  What's that you say?  It's more costly?  Oh, hush girl, shut your mouth! 

Big barn doors as the fronts?  Me likey!

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