Saturday, December 31, 2011

The eve of the new year....

I have decided to make a resolution this year. I usually don't do them, they seem a set-up for failure, and I really don't like to fail. However, suddennly when reading yet another sad blog it hit me. You see, I am a little addicted to saddness. If I hear a friend's sad story I try to out myself in their shoes. I am VERY good at that. I end up depressed, irritable and truly upset whenever I do this, which is unfortunately with some frequency. I also have been living by the mantra "expect the worst, hope for the best" and it hasn't been doing me any favors. I think it is a defense mechanism, I figure that I won't feel blind sided if I always expect bad things to happen. When presented with a problem I figure the worse of the two outcomes will probably be the one to come my way. I know that I have often been forgetting the second half of the mantra, I don't allow myself to hope for the best. So what happens if instead of expecting the worst I simply hope for the best? Would I feel duped if something bad happens? Will I be the ignorant pig so to speak, if I don't focus on all the terrible possibilities of each situation? Or maybe I will simply learn to zone in on the positive side of things. Become a glass half full kind of a person? I doubt it will be overnight and it may not happen completely, but this is my goal. I resolve to simply hope for the best. Whe never giving up my sensitivity and empathy, I WILL NOT allow myself to lose my own happiness. I won't feel guilty anymore for being happy and having a good life. My depressed emotional state doesn't help my friends cope with their problems, and it certainly doesn't help mine.

Join me in bringing in a new emotional state for this new year. A new positive outlook on life. As I embark on new things this year, new and different in many ways, I choose to only hope for the best!

Happy New Year!

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