Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I'm back...in a limited sort of a way...

So I had grandiose thoughts when I started blogging.  I thought I would love to share my ideas and feelings, and I did, for a short time. 

Then I became consumed with my pregnancy.  The pregnancy that was a wonderful surprise, but that was full of worry.  Typical me, I took the pessimistic, the world is crumbling wround me, approach and it nearly ruined the pregnancy for me.  I felt great, had no problems of my own, but was so concerned about the baby that I had a hard time relaxing and enjoying it.  The entire second trimester was nerve wracking.  An abnormal ultrasound marker convinced me that we had a worst case scenario.  Luckily, all the other tests came back normal, including an echo of my little love's heart and a level II ultrasound for all anatomy.   I began to relx some.  The third trimester went by in a breeze!  I was more relaxed, on the outside, and all was well!  The delivery was super easy and now my newest little love, Knox is here.  And he is PERFECT!!

Despite my constant exams and checking his every inch, he is PERFECT!  We are so lucky and so relieved.  He doesn't sleep well, but I am willing to overlook that....for now.  He's got a couple more weeks until I start sleep training my little angel.

Harrison too is dealing so very well with his new little brother.  He asks to hold him, gives him kisses on the head and is suoer gentle.  Just the way we knew our big little guy would be.... Of course, there is some aspect of jealousy.  He screams out sometimes when he doesn't get his way, asks for the baby to go to sleep often, and is becoming quite the entertainer with his "look at what I can do" acts.  But it could be worse and don't we know it. 

So far it has been a pretty good time with the four (FOUR!) of us.  I am still at home with Knox, Harrison and the new nanny (yes I know I am lucky), while Neal is off to work three days a week.  Hopefully his practice will pick up (read- a client or two would be great!) and he will eventually be there 5 days a week.   We figure until he makes more than the nanny we should probably keep to 3 days a week!

I am not looking forward to going back to work.  I dread it infact.  I actually have fantasies about quitting.  I really do.  I would make a great stay at home mom, with a full time nanny of course (lol- not really).  I would have time to devot to my business- which by the way I am really starting to do wtuff with!  I would expand it more and work on advertising etc.  I would love it, truly would.  But alas, just a dream for now.....

someday........ for sure!

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