Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I've got a bad case of spring fever...

Firstly, little H's birthday has come and gone...pics to be posted later I promise!!  He was an angel for most of it and really loved getting so much attention from both the adults and his little cousin, K.  That poor child of mine doesn't get a chance to play with other children much, so he really savored every moment of it!

I however, have such a case of spring fever, what with all the glorious weather we have been having these last few days.  We have planned so many home improvement projects for our house and lawn that I can't wait to start them.  Of course, the second we start them I will be longing for lazy days of winter....
we are planning on at least seriously sketching out a pergola with a slate or blue-stone patio beneath it off the kitchen and family room.  I love the shade it will afford us without enclosing too much of the yard as "porch".  I want to install some big french doors where our current sliding glass door is in the family room to make the pergola/"porch" feel more like an outdoor room.
We also have so much to do to our pool area.  I am really liking the grass to the pool side look, but fear that it will mean hugs amounts of lawn in my skimmers...hmmm.  Not to sure what to do about that yet, but this is the look I am going for! Love those floating stainless-steel spheres?  Get them at East Hampton's General Home Store.

all images Elle Decor

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